...safetydriving in snow

How to drive in snow safely

When temperatures drop, driving dangers rise. This article gives you information and recommendations for reducing the road hazards brought by snow and ice.

5 Tips for driving in the snow

Smooth is the name of the game when driving in winter. As snow and ice reduce the friction between the tyres and the road, any sudden vehicle movements can cause you to lose control. Follow the advice below to safety navigate wintry conditions on the road.

1. Drive slowly

Lower your speed to give yourself time to react smoothly and gently to changing conditions. When you drive slower, less force will be required to stop or turn, so less traction is needed to keep the vehicle under control.

2. Accelerate and decelerate slowly

Newton’s first law of motion is that an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless some other force acts on it. If you stamp on your brakes on an icy road, your vehicle will obey Newton’s law, potentially landing you in a ditch or worse. Remember to speed up and slow down gradually to gently harness the reduced traction of a slippery road and avoid spinning out or going into a skid.

3. Increase your following distance

Once again, this tip is about giving yourself enough time to react to changes slowly and smoothly. When roads are slippery, you should leave two to three times as much distance between you and the next vehicle as you would under dry conditions. On the motorway, this translates to six to ten seconds of space between you and whoever’s in front of you.

4. Don’t stop if you can avoid it

One way to drive more smoothly is to avoid coming to a complete stop whenever circumstances allow. A car needs much more traction to get going from a dead stop than to accelerate while already rolling. If, for instance, you see a red light ahead, try to time your approach to the light so that you are still rolling when it turns green. Obviously, this is only possible when the circumstances allow, and you should always stop completely if not doing so will put you or others in danger.

5. Pay Attention to the Stability Control System Warning Light

A stability control system uses sensors to detect even momentary skids that a driver might not notice. These systems can adjust the power to the wheels, the anti-lock braking mechanisms and other traction features to help keep the vehicle under control. If it detects a problem, the stability control warning light, which depicts a vehicle with squiggly lines representing the tyre tracks, will blink on the dashboard. If this happens, you need to ease off on the accelerator until the tyres regain traction. Again, this deceleration should be done smoothly, as a sudden loss of power can exacerbate a skid.

Know your drivetrain and tyres

The way your vehicle’s drivetrain distributes power to the wheels is key to how it handles on slippery surfaces. The four main types of drivetrain configurations are front-wheel drive (FWD), rear-wheel drive (RWD), all-wheel drive (AWD) and four-wheel drive (4WD). AWD and 4WD layouts are the best for winter conditions.
Each configuration behaves differently on slippery roads, as detailed below.
  • FWD — This setup is most common in passenger cars and crossovers. It sends the engine’s power to the front wheels, which provides some advantages on icy roads: the front of a vehicle has more weight, so the tyres with power to them are pressed more firmly onto the road and have more traction. This actually keeps the rear of the car more stable. If you live in an area with regular snow and have a vehicle with this layout, it is very important to have winter tyres.
  • RWD — In this configuration, the power goes to the back wheels. Trucks, large SUVs and sports cars usually feature this design. It is not ideal for snow, as it can cause the vehicle to spin out or fishtail because it is lighter on the back end where the power is. Winter tyres are even more crucial for RWD vehicles than FWD ones in regions that see winter weather.
  • AWD — Here, power is distributed to all wheels depending on the amount of traction each has (which is determined by sensors). Under normal conditions, most power goes to either the front or back of the vehicle, but not both. In slippery conditions, AWD systems distribute more power to the wheels with the most traction. This is very helpful when accelerating but does not enhance performance when turning and braking on slippery roads. It is, however, an improvement over FWD and RWD. An AWD and all-season tyre combination could work in areas where snow is not too frequent and for driving on roads that are constantly ploughed.
  • 4WD — This layout sends power to all wheels equally. Vehicles with 4WD usually have a low range of gears and are manually engaged (meaning 4WD does not operate at all times). It is good for all kinds of conditions, including unploughed or rough roads. It is a good alternative for rural driving, especially if there are steep grades where low gearing is needed.

Winter tyres



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Are all-season tyres good for snow?

All-season tyres can suffice for some vehicle models in mild winter conditions. However, their rubber and tread is designed for a wide variety of conditions, so if you’re driving in the snow with an all-season tyre, you will sacrifice performance in some areas when compared to a Winter tyre.
Dedicated Winter tyres have optimised rubber compounds that preserve grip at very low temperatures, their tread is specifically designed to grip onto snow and they may even have studs. These features may not be present on all-season tyres, which also have to be able to handle hot temperatures and large amounts of water on roadways, requiring different compounds and tread patterns.

Best tyre for rain

If you live in a place where winter brings rain rather than snow, the biggest risk to avoid will most likely be aquaplaning rather than slipping and sliding on slush. Regardless of the model, the best tyre for driving in the rain is one with deep tread.
One of tread’s main functions is to quickly push water out from underneath the tyre so the rubber surface stays in contact with the road. The deeper the grooves in the tread, the more effectively the tyre will perform this function.
Therefore, the best tyre for rain is one with good tread depth, which can be maintained by rotating tyres, switching between winter and summer tyres according to the season, and ideally replacing tyres before the tread falls below a depth of 3mm (UK law states all tyres must be replaced at 1.6mm).
Winter tyres have a tread pattern optimised for biting into snow, ice and slush in winter temperatures, not necessarily for just flushing water out from under tyres. For that reason, winter tyres are not the best solution for prolonged rainy conditions. All-season or summer tyres will provide better protection against aquaplaning throughout the year thanks to a tread compound that works in all seasons.

Winterising your vehicle

Beyond changing your driving style and equipping your car with the right tyres, there are a few more steps you can take to get your vehicle ready for winter.

Electrical system

Car batteries are less effective at colder temperatures (they can be 35% weaker at the freezing point), so make sure that yours is well charged and in good condition. Its best to take the vehicle to a trained specialist for a winter vehicle check since cables and wires become more brittle at lower temperatures and are more likely to fail, potentially stranding you on a road.

Brake system

Winter conditions mean more strain on your braking system due to increased moisture, corrosion and potential rust on rotors. Have your braking system inspected by a trained professional to make sure that everything is in good shape.

Exhaust system

Winter can be tough on exhaust systems too. As they are located on the vehicle’s undercarriage, they are more prone to damage from salt or other chemicals used to clear roads, from moisture or from the jolts caused by potholes or bumpy ice and snow. It is advisable to get your exhaust checked by your local dealer so that your vehicle is running in optimal order.

Heating and cooling system

Make sure that your heater and defrosters are in good working condition so you are comfortable while driving and never lose visibility due to frost or condensation. In your engine’s cooling system, use at least 1/2 to 2/3 antifreeze (consult your vehicle’s manual for the exact number). Different coolants are rated to different temperatures, so add the right one based on the temperature extremes in your area. You can severely damage your engine if you do not have adequate antifreeze protection.

Find your tyres

To get the right winter tyres for your vehicle and region, contact your nearest tyre dealer.
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